UID-N200 / UID-H200 x1

Handheld Raman Spectrometer by Touch Screen 

  • The most complete database of information (controlled drugs / NPS / precursors), more than 1,000 pure materials (*UID-N200)

  • The most complete database of information (Explosives / Biochemical/ Hazardous/Toxic/Other Chemicals), more than 20,000 (*UID-H200)

  • High sensitivity- High S/N ratio - High detection rate

  • Tested oxygen in the air or 50 ppm nitrate solution in 10’s

  • Samples in multi-layer, dark, plastic bags or glass bottles can also be tested

  • Dark colored samples can be detected

  • Deliquescent or Deteriorated chemicals also will be detectable

  • Small particles or residue or micro analysis


Excitation Source

NIR, Frequency Stabilized, Narrow Linewidth Diode Laser

Wavelength Accuracy:785 nm

Laser Power: 300 mw (785nm) with Laser Shutter Control

CCD Spectograph

F 1.6 High Sensitivity CCD Spectrograph

Pixel Resolution: 1.5 ㎝-1(785 nm Excitation)

Spectral Coverage: ~250~2,350 cm-1

Sensitivity and S/R Ratio

Measure Nitrate solution up to 50 ppm in 10 sec.

S/N Ratio :6,000

Dimensions 9'' x 5.5'' x 2''
Weight ≒ 2 kg