Gemstone ID - 785 nm
Species : Almandite Garnet
Chemical Formula : Fe3Al2(SiO4)3
Identification Characteristics :
Classification: Silicate
Hardness:7 ~ 7.5 S.G.:3.8
Cleavage: None
R.I.: 1.76 ~ 1.83 D.R.: None
Crystal System: Isometric
Fracture: Uneven to Conchoidal
Spectral Characteristics:
353、502、 557、 637、 859、 915、 1045(cm-1)
A02 - a
Species : Amber
Chemical Formula : Fossil Resin
Identification Characteristics :
Classification: None
Hardness:2 ~ 2.5 S.G.:1.08
Cleavage: None
R.I.: 1.54 ~ 1.55 D.R.: None
Crystal System: Amorphous
Fracture: Uneven to Conchoidal
Spectral Characteristics:
Sample-dependant fluorescence
A02 - b
Species : Amber+Epoxy
Chemical Formula : Fossil Resin
Identification Characteristics :
Classification: None
Hardness:2 ~ 2.5 S.G.:1.08
Cleavage: None
R.I.: 1.54 ~ 1.55 D.R.: None
Crystal System: Amorphous
Fracture: Uneven to Conchoidal
Spectral Characteristics:
Sample-dependant fluorescence
A02 - c
Species : Amber
Chemical Formula : Fossil Resin
Identification Characteristics :
Classification: None
Hardness:2 ~ 2.5 S.G.:1.08
Cleavage: None
R.I.: 1.54 ~ 1.55 D.R.: None
Crystal System: Amorphous
Fracture: Uneven to Conchoidal
Spectral Characteristics:
715、1203、1446、1652 (cm-1)
A03 - a
Species : Andalusite
Chemical Formula : Al2SiO5
Identification Characteristics :
Classification: Silicate
Hardness:6.5 ~ 7.5 S.G.:3.13 ~ 3.16
Cleavage: Prismatic
R.I.: 1.63 ~ 1.64 D.R.: 0.010
Crystal System: Orthorhombic
Fracture: Uneven to Subconchoidal
Spectral Characteristics:
289、319、357、919 (cm-1)
A03 - b
Species : Andalusite
Chemical Formula : Al2SiO5
Identification Characteristics :
Classification: Silicate
Hardness:6.5 ~ 7.5 S.G.:3.13 ~ 3.16
Cleavage: Prismatic
R.I.: 1.63 ~ 1.64 D.R.: 0.010
Crystal System: Orthorhombic
Fracture: Uneven to Subconchoidal
Spectral Characteristics:
289、319、357、919 (cm-1)
A03 - c
Species : Andalusite
Chemical Formula : Al2SiO5
Identification Characteristics :
Classification: Silicate
Hardness:6.5 ~ 7.5 S.G.:3.13 ~ 3.16
Cleavage: Prismatic
R.I.: 1.63 ~ 1.64 D.R.: 0.010
Crystal System: Orthorhombic
Fracture: Uneven to Subconchoidal
Spectral Characteristics:
289、319、357、919 (cm-1)
A04 - a
Species : Andradite Garnet
Chemical Formula : Ca3Fe2(SiO4)3
Identification Characteristics :
Classification: Silicate
Hardness:6.5 ~ 7.5 S.G.:3.85
R.I.: 1.85 ~ 1.89 D.R.: None
Cleavage: None
Crystal System: Isometric
Fracture: Conchoidal
Spectral Characteristics:
351、368、514、815、840、874 (cm-1)
A04 - b
Species : Andradite Garnet
Chemical Formula : Ca3Fe2(SiO4)3
Identification Characteristics :
Classification: Silicate
Hardness:6.5 ~ 7.5 S.G.:3.85
Cleavage: None
R.I.: 1.85 ~ 1.89 D.R.: None
Crystal System: Isometric
Fracture: Conchoidal
Spectral Characteristics:
351、368、514、815、840、874 (cm-1)
Gemstone ID - 532 nm
A01 - a
Species : Almandine Garnet
Chemical Formula : Fe3Al2(SiO4)3
Identification Characteristics :
Classification: Silicate
Hardness:7 ~ 7.5 S.G.:3.8
Cleavage: None
R.I.: 1.76 ~ 1.83 D.R.: None
Crystal System: Isometric
Fracture: Uneven to Conchoidal
Spectral Characteristics:
353,502, 557,637, 859, 915, 1045(cm-1)
A01 - b
Species : Almandine Garnet
Chemical Formula : Fe3Al2(SiO4)3
Identification Characteristics :
Classification: Silicate
Hardness:7 ~ 7.5 S.G.:3.8
Cleavage: None
R.I.: 1.76 ~ 1.83 D.R.: None
Crystal System: Isometric
Fracture: Uneven to Conchoidal
Spectral Characteristics:
353、502、 557、 637、 859、 915、 1045(cm-1)
A01 - c
Species : Almandine Garnet
Chemical Formula : Fe3Al2(SiO4)3
Identification Characteristics :
Classification: Silicate
Hardness:7 ~ 7.5 S.G.:3.8
Cleavage: None
R.I.: 1.76 ~ 1.83 D.R.: None
Crystal System: Isometric
Fracture: Uneven to Conchoidal
Spectral Characteristics:
353、502、 557、 637、 859、 915、1045 (cm-1)
A03 - a
Species : Andalusite
Chemical Formula : Al2SiO5
Identification Characteristics :
Classification: Silicate
Hardness:6.5 ~ 7.5 S.G.:3.13 ~ 3.16
Cleavage: Prismatic
R.I.: 1.63 ~ 1.64 D.R.: 0.010
Crystal System: Orthorhombic
Fracture: Uneven to Subconchoidal
Spectral Characteristics:
289、319、357、919 (cm-1)
A03 - b
Species : Andalusite
Chemical Formula : Al2SiO5
Identification Characteristics :
Classification: Silicate
Hardness:6.5 ~ 7.5 S.G.:3.13 ~ 3.16
Cleavage: Prismatic
R.I.: 1.63 ~ 1.64 D.R.: 0.010
Crystal System: Orthorhombic
Fracture: Uneven to Subconchoidal
Spectral Characteristics:
289、319、357、919 (cm-1)
A04 - a
Species : Andradite Garnet
Chemical Formula : Ca3Fe2(SiO4)3
Identification Characteristics :
Classification: Silicate
Hardness:6.5 ~ 7.5 S.G.:3.85
R.I.: 1.85 ~ 1.89 D.R.: None
Cleavage: None
Crystal System: Isometric
Fracture: Conchoidal
Spectral Characteristics:
351、368、514、815、840、874 (cm-1)
A04 - b
Species : Andradite Garnet
Chemical Formula : Ca3Fe2(SiO4)3
Identification Characteristics :
Classification: Silicate
Hardness:6.5 ~ 7.5 S.G.:3.85
R.I.: 1.85 ~ 1.89 D.R.: None
Cleavage: None
Crystal System: Isometric
Fracture: Conchoidal
Spectral Characteristics:
351、368、514、815、840、874 (cm-1)
B01 - a
Species : Actinolite
Chemical Formula : Ca2(Mg,Fe)5Si8O22(OH)2
Identification Characteristics :
Classification: Silicate
Hardness:5 ~ 6 S.G.:3.0 ~ 3.44
Cleavage: Good
R.I.: 1.61 ~ 1.66 D.R.: 0.053
Crystal System: Monoclinic
Fracture: Uneven to Conchoidal
Spectral Characteristics:
B01 - b
Species : Actinolite
Chemical Formula : Ca2(Mg,Fe)5Si8O22(OH)2
Identification Characteristics :
Classification: Silicate
Hardness:5 ~ 6 S.G.:3.0 ~ 3.44
Cleavage: Good
R.I.: 1.61 ~ 1.66 D.R.: 0.053
Crystal System: Monoclinic
Fracture: Uneven to Conchoidal
Spectral Characteristics:
B04 - a
Species : Amblygonite
Chemical Formula : (Li, Na)AlPO4(F,OH)
Identification Characteristics :
Classification: Phosphate
Hardness:5.5 ~ 6 S.G.:3.08
Cleavage: Perfect
R.I.: 1.57 ~ 1.60 D.R.: 0.026
Crystal System: Triclinic
Fracture: Uneven
Spectral Characteristics:
298、425、600、627、644、 1010、1045
、1057 (cm-1)
B04 - b
Species : Amblygonite
Chemical Formula : (Li, Na)AlPO4(F,OH)
Identification Characteristics :
Classification: Phosphate
Hardness:5.5 ~ 6 S.G.:3.08
Cleavage: Perfect
R.I.: 1.57 ~ 1.60 D.R.: 0.026
Crystal System: Triclinic
Fracture: Uneven
Spectral Characteristics:
298、425、600、627、644、 1010、1045
、1057 (cm-1)
B05 - a
Species : Apatite
Chemical Formula : Ca5(PO4)3(F,Cl,OH)
Identification Characteristics :
Classification: Phosphate
Hardness:5 S.G.:3.1 ~ 3.2
Cleavage: Poor
R.I.: 1.63 ~ 1.64 D.R.: 0.003
Crystal System: Hexagonal
Fracture: Conchoidal to Uneven
Spectral Characteristics:
430、580、960、1050 (cm-1)
B05 - b
Species : Apatite
Chemical Formula : Ca5(PO4)3(F,Cl,OH)
Identification Characteristics :
Classification: Phosphate
Hardness:5 S.G.:3.1 ~ 3.2
Cleavage: Poor
R.I.: 1.63 ~ 1.64 D.R.: 0.003
Crystal System: Hexagonal
Fracture: Conchoidal to Uneven
Spectral Characteristics:
430、580、960、1050 (cm-1)
B05 - c
Species : Apatite
Chemical Formula : Ca5(PO4)3(F,Cl,OH)
Identification Characteristics :
Classification: Phosphate
Hardness:5 S.G.:3.1 ~ 3.2
Cleavage: Poor
R.I.: 1.63 ~ 1.64 D.R.: 0.003
Crystal System: Hexagonal
Fracture: Conchoidal to Uneven
Spectral Characteristics:
430、580、960、1050 (cm-1)
B05 - d
Species : Apatite
Chemical Formula : Ca5(PO4)3(F,Cl,OH)
Identification Characteristics :
Classification: Phosphate
Hardness:5 S.G.:3.1 ~ 3.2
Cleavage: Poor
R.I.: 1.63 ~ 1.64 D.R.: 0.003
Crystal System: Hexagonal
Fracture: Conchoidal to Uneven
Spectral Characteristics:
430、580、960、1050 (cm-1)
B06 - a
Species : Apophyllite
Chemical Formula : KCa4Si8O20(F,OH)‧8H2O
Identification Characteristics :
Classification: Silicate
Hardness:4.5 ~ 5 S.G.:4.6 ~ 4.7
Cleavage: Imperfect
R.I.: 1.54 D.R.: 0.002
Crystal System: Tetragonal
Fracture: Uneven
Spectral Characteristics:
430、487、538、583、1061 (cm-1)
B06 - b
Species : Apophyllite
Chemical Formula : KCa4Si8O20(F,OH)‧8H2O
Identification Characteristics :
Classification: Silicate
Hardness:4.5 ~ 5 S.G.:4.6 ~ 4.7
Cleavage: Imperfect
R.I.: 1.54 D.R.: 0.002
Crystal System: Tetragonal
Fracture: Uneven
Spectral Characteristics:
430、487、538、583、1061 (cm-1)
B07 - a
Species : Aragonite
Chemical Formula : CaCO3
Identification Characteristics :
Classification: Carbonate
Hardness:3.5 ~ 4 S.G.:2.95
Cleavage: Perfect
R.I.: 1.53 ~ 1.68 D.R.: 0.155
Crystal System: Orthorhombic
Fracture: Conchoidal
Spectral Characteristics:
271、702、1085 (cm-1)
B07 - b
Species : Aragonite
Chemical Formula : CaCO3
Identification Characteristics :
Classification: Carbonate
Hardness:3.5 ~ 4 S.G.:2.95
Cleavage: Perfect
R.I.: 1.53 ~ 1.68 D.R.: 0.155
Crystal System: Orthorhombic
Fracture: Conchoidal
Spectral Characteristics:
271、702、1085 (cm-1)
B07 - c
Species : Aragonite
Chemical Formula : CaCO3
Identification Characteristics :
Classification: Carbonate
Hardness:3.5 ~ 4 S.G.:2.95
Cleavage: Perfect
R.I.: 1.53 ~ 1.68 D.R.: 0.155
Crystal System: Orthorhombic
Fracture: Conchoidal
Spectral Characteristics:
271、702、1085 (cm-1)
Species : Axinite
Chemical Formula : Ca2(Fe2+,Mn2+)Al2BSi4O15(OH)
Identification Characteristics :
Classification: Silicate
Hardness:6 ~ 7 S.G.:3.2 ~ 3.4
Cleavage: Good
R.I.: 1.67 ~ 1.70 D.R.: 0.011
Crystal System: Triclinic
Fracture: Uneven to Conchoidal
Spectral Characteristics:
275、306、319、344、392、419、677、714、963、977 (cm-1)
B09 - a
Species : Azurite
Chemical Formula : Cu3(CO3)2(OH)2
Identification Characteristics :
Classification: Carbonate
Hardness:3.5 ~ 4 S.G.:3.77 ~ 3.78
Cleavage: Perfect
R.I.: 1.73 ~ 1.84 D.R.: 0.110
Crystal System: Monoclinic
Fracture: Conchoidal
Spectral Characteristics:
250、284、331、403、765、1095 (cm-1)
B09 - b
Species : Azurite
Chemical Formula : Cu2O
Identification Characteristics :
Classification: Oxide
Hardness:3.5 ~ 4 S.G.:6.14
Cleavage: Poor Octahedral
R.I.: 2.849 D.R.: None
Crystal System: Isometric
Fracture: Conchoidal to Uneven
Spectral Characteristics:
418、484、638、1070、1168 (cm-1)
Species : Albite
Chemical Formula : NaAlSi3O8
Identification Characteristics :
Classification: Silicate
Hardness:6 ~ 6.5 S.G.:2.60 ~ 2.63
Cleavage: Perfect
R.I.: 1.54 ~ 1.55 D.R.: 0.009
Crystal System: Triclinic
Fracture: Uneven
Spectral Characteristics:
288、326、412、456、477、506、763、815、1099 (cm-1)
C02 - a
Species : Anatase
Chemical Formula : TiO2
Identification Characteristics :
Classification: Oxide
Hardness:5.5 ~ 6 S.G.:3.82 ~ 3.97
Cleavage: Perfect Basal
R.I.: 2.49 ~ 2.56 D.R.: 0.073
Crystal System: Tetragonal
Fracture: Subconchoidal
Spectral Characteristics:
394、513、636 (cm-1)
C02 - b
Species : Anatase
Chemical Formula : TiO2
Identification Characteristics :
Classification: Oxide
Hardness:5.5 ~ 6 S.G.:3.82 ~ 3.97
Cleavage: Perfect Basal
R.I.: 2.49 ~ 2.56 D.R.: 0.073
Crystal System: Tetragonal
Fracture: Subconchoidal
Spectral Characteristics:
394、513、636 (cm-1)
Species : Anglesite
Chemical Formula : PbSO4
Identification Characteristics :
Classification: Sulfate
Hardness:2.5 ~ 3 S.G.:6.3 ~ 6.4
Cleavage: FAIR Basal
R.I.: 1.87 ~ 1.89 D.R.: 0.017
Crystal System: Orthorhombic
Fracture: Conchoidal
Spectral Characteristics:
438、448、977、1157 (cm-1)